Hundreds Gather for Public Banking and Economic Justice

Matt J. Stannard • • June 20, 2013

By any standards, the 2013 Public Banking Conference, held at beautiful Dominican University in San Rafael, California, was a success. In a political world where like-minded groups seldom converge on practical policy blueprints, it was an astounding success. Hundreds of committed attendees–Occupy activists, religious groups, labor, environmentalists, legal activists, journalists and progressive economists–came together for three days of heady conversations and inspiring presentations, and by all accounts, everyone left with something resembling a vision.

…“What impressed me about the conference was the very rapid growth of the public banking movement,” says Tim Canova, Professor of Law and Public Finance at NOVA Southeastern University and a strong voice for public banking. “I met activists from all corners of the country working at the local level to start public banks in their own communities. This also reflects a growing consciousness of the political importance of credit and the historical role of public banking in efforts to achieve sustainable economic development.”

Read the entire article here.

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Interview with Ellen Brown at Public Banking Conference 2013

Public Banking TV • • June 9, 2013

Ellen Brown talks about public banking can help to empower the people.

Watch the video here.

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Victoria Grant – Public Banking 2013: Funding the New Economy, June 3, 2013

Public Banking TV • • June 9, 2013


Watch the video here.

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Public Banking– A Major Answer to the Progressive Question of What to Do in the Face of Corporatization of America

Rob Kall • • June 6, 2013

I’m at the second annual conference on public banking. Last night over 600 attendees listened to Matt Taiibi, Ellen Brown, Birgitta Jonsdotter and Gar Alperovitz talk about funding the new economy.

The “new economy” means an economy that gets out from under corporatization of America, out from under corporate domination of the economy…

…Bottom line, Public banking works and is responsible for the health of some of the fastest growing nations and the only state, North Dakota, that survived the recent economic crises. Advocating for it is a progressive, bottom up approach that can produce serious democratizing effects, while at the same time taking away power and wealth from the big banks.

Read the entire article here.

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Saving Our Economy With Public Banking

Carl Gibson • • May 20, 2013

Imagine if your only choice for food came from genetically-modified crops. You might suffer regular health problems, be at a higher risk for numerous crippling diseases, and have no choice but to accept that as a fact of life. But what if, one day, you came across a farmer’s market where you could buy locally-produced, organically-grown, healthy fruits and vegetables at a fraction of the cost of GMO food. Wouldn’t you switch immediately and never go back? Your body would heal and you’d feel great.

Similarly, most U.S. states, with the exception of North Dakota (we’ll get there in a minute) have no choice but to depend on big Wall Street banks for the money necessary to build critical infrastructure, most of which comes with obscene interest rates and get-rich-quick schemes like capital appreciation loans. These are concocted by predatory bankers intending to bleed municipalities and counties dry, from Jefferson County, Ala. to Napa Valley, Calif. But public banking can be the antidote that will free us from our dependency on Wall Street and put monetary power in the people’s hands. In short, our economy would heal and we’d all feel great.

Read the entire article here.

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