Presentation Tools

Here are a few tools for approaching friends, voters and congresspeople and giving presentations.

1. A tri-fold flyer that could be useful for seeding the ideas raised in this website and blog is here: flyer – state-owned bank 12-09.  Front and back can be printed on a single sheet of paper. Fold between the three columns.

2.  A power point presentation on the state bank option is here: state bank pp 8-09.  It can be adapted to suit, but the cartoons and charts  are drawn from the Internet and could be copyrighted, so use for educational purposes only please.

Update: A power point presentation for a state bank for Washington State, created by Dennis Eros, is here: State Bank for Washington, 26-Feb-2010.

Update: Ellen Brown’s presentation on a state bank for California is here: “How California Can Create its Own Credit: Own a Bank,” 14-Aug-2010.

Update: Ellen Brown’s presentation on a state bank for California is here (presentation given 9-Dec-2010, in San Rafael, CA: “How California Can Create its Own Credit: OWN A BANK!,” 9-Dec-2010.

3. For an excellent tutorial with live charts on how banking really works, including capital and reserve requirements and fractional reserve lending, see “Banking and Money,”

4.  A sample letter to Congressmen for forming a state bank, drafted by Charlie Fleetham, is below.  It can also be modified to suit —

Dear  Elected Official,

I would like to take this opportunity to present an idea for your consideration – creating a state bank in _________.  This proposal has been fleshed out in an article by Ellen Brown, noted author and expert on banking and the causes of our nation’s financial collapse, available here –
“Cash-starved States Need to Play the Banking Game: North Dakota Leads the Way”

The reason for a state owned bank is simple – we have lost control of our finances.  Our municipalities are burdened with legacy debt and aging infrastructure and the only way to fix the infrastructure is to bond through Wall Street.  We can’t take any more taxes, but indebting us to Wall Street has cost us dearly and the costs will only increase as the national credit crunch continues to squeeze us at home and in our neighborhoods.
Our businesses are also suffering from the credit crunch.  National banks are canceling lines of credit for businesses with excellent credit ratings.   Shopping centers are emptying out, and it seems like another friend loses his or her job every week.  As for the future – it’s bleak. Credit is all but drying up as scare resources get diverted to bail out Wall Street.

A state bank, capitalized by our own taxpayers, would allow us to fund commercial development, mortgages, municipal debt, mortgages and student loans. Fortunately, we have a model. North Dakota has had a state bank since 1919 and this year the state has a $1 billion plus surplus!
I urge you to support legislation to create a state bank today.


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