A Progressive Alternative in Illinois: Rich Whitney, the Green Party Gubernatorial Candidate, Running on a Platform of a State-Owned Bank

A Progressive Alternative in Illinois
By ADAM TURL • August 4, 2010

One the Republican side, we have Bill Brady, an unabashedly pro-corporate, anti-gay, anti-women, anti-labor, pro-Tea Party, real estate developer.

On the Democrat side, we have Pat Quinn, the former lieutenant governor who took his place as Illinois’ chief executive when former Rod Blagojevich was impeached. Since coming to office, his biggest achievement has been slashing social services and education to the bone, and fiddling while the state entered a full-blown budget catastrophe.

LUCKILY, THERE is an alternative to Tweedledee and Tweedledum in Illinois’ 2010 election: Rich Whitney and the Green Party.

Instead of regressive taxes on working people or draconian cuts in education and social services, Whitney and the state Green Party call for taxing corporations and the rich. Instead of scapegoating LGBT people and undocumented immigrants, they favor equal rights and legalization. Instead of attacking public-sector unions, Whitney opposes cuts and favors increasing union rights in the private sector as well.

See the entire article here.

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2 Responses

  1. Ellen,Thanks for all you do and more.Ellen,if you ask for a donation to fund a forum on public/state banking,i think you would get a “big” response.I would think Farid Khavari and other candidates would be very happy to contribute to something that help expose the public to a “Real Solution” to our economic problems. Have C-SPAN & FSTV & MSNBC cover it. Ellen,ask and you`ll have a donation from me.What ever i have to give,i`m giving only to support public/state idea. THANKS

  2. Thanks! We’re actually thinking of setting up a national organization. Stay tuned!

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