Join us! June 2-4, San Rafael, CA! Two evening events plus the PBI 2013 Public Banking Conference!

Public Banking Institute •

How DO we improve the economic livelihoods of millions of people? Reclaim the “money power” with publicly-owned banks. A network of publicly-owned banks across the United States holds the promise of local abundance, sustainable productivity, and the democratization of our economy.

Join the world’s pioneering policy thinkers, interested and informed citizens, civic leaders, banking entrepreneurs, and innovators for three events:

  1. CONVERSATION. Featuring Matt Taibbi, Ellen Brown, Birgitta Jonsdotter and Gar Alperovitz. Sunday, June 2, 7-9:15pm. $35.
  2. TPP Forum. Featuring David Brodwin, Margaret Flowers, Kevin Zeese, and Georgia Kelly. Monday, June 3, 7pm. Free.
  3. PBI’s Public Banking Conference 2013: Funding the New Economy in San Rafael, CA, June 2-4. $265.

All three events will be held at Dominican University, Angelico Hall, in San Rafael, CA.

Register here.

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